Free XiangZi
Free LuHaoju
Free ZhangYu

updated 2020-01-02




Release Xiangzi and Chinese Labor Activists






【XinHuanwei Three are confirmed to be administratively detained】


We have confirmed from multiple sources that the three people associated with the Wechat channel Xinhuanwei, who have been missing since last Tuesday (17th December) including Chen Weixiang (Xiangzi), have been administratively detained. They are to be detained for 15 days from 18th December 2019 on the charge of picking quarrels and provoking troubles, at Yuexiu District Detention Centre. The three are expected to be released before 3rd January 2020. As there have been previous cases where administrative detention had been turned into criminal detection, please continue to pay attention to this case.


Three people including Xiangzi, founder of XinHuanwei; a graduate student conducting research at XinHuanwei; and a volunteer were taken away in the afternoon of 17th December 2019. Various sanitation workers in contact with Xinhuanwei have since then been questioned. Since its launch a year ago, “XinHuanwei” has become popular among sanitation workers. Through research and building WeChat groups to facilitate communication amongst workers, it helps defend and advance the legal rights of the sanitation workers community. Its actions have always been within the boundary of the law.


【紧急通报:劳权⾏动研究者陈伟祥被带⾛ 为环卫⼯权益奔⾛多年】


中国劳⼯⾏动研究者、微信公众号“⼼环卫”创办⼈陈伟祥(祥⼦)与⼀名实习⽣于2019年12⽉ 17⽇17点⼗分左右,从⼴州住处被⼗余名身著制服者及便⾐押出,带上⼀辆⻋号为粤A03505的 ⾯包⻋,⽬前尚不清楚罪名或被带往何处。与此同时,另⼀名公众号运营的伙伴在外同时失联。 祥⼦等⼈被带⾛已超过24⼩时,⾄今⾳讯全⽆。

Labour activist, researcher and cofounder of the WeChat channel “Heart Sanitation” (“⼼环卫“, an online platform advocating for the rights of sanitation workers), Chen Weixiang (Xiangzi) was taken from his home in Guangzhou, China, by over a dozen of police officers in uniform and plainclothes at around 5pm on 17 December 2019. A graduate student volunteering at Heart Sanitation was also taken at the same time. They were driven away by a van with plate number 粵A03505. There has been no news since regarding their whereabouts or the allegation made against them. Meanwhile, another volunteer who helps run Heart Sanitation has also gone missing. For over 24 hours now, none of the three could be contacted.


After the incident, a worker in frequent contact with “Heart Sanitation” revealed that he and other six coworkers who followed the WeChat channel were told by their workplace supervisor that they would be questioned the next day.

Since its launch a year ago, “Heart Sanitation” has become popular among sanitation workers. Through publishing articles and building WeChat groups to facilitate communication amongst sanitation workers, it helps defend and advance the legal rights of the community. Its actions have always been within the boundary of the law.


【 Bio of the three missing activists 】

祥⼦,真名陈伟祥,本科毕业于中⼭⼤学医学院,硕⼠毕业于美国宾州州⽴⼤学。⾃2011年在医 学院读书期间开始关注城乡问题及⼯⼈议题,曾以信息公开、⾏为艺术、公⺠问政等⽅式推动相 关议题。2015年毕业前夕,因为关注环卫⼯问题,祥⼦被威胁⽆法毕业,同时签约的医院也⾃ ⾏解约,导致祥⼦毕业后未能顺利进⼊医院⼯作。2017年赴美学习劳⼯⽅⾯的硕⼠课程,于2019年夏天回国。期间在⽹上建⽴⽀持环卫⼯⼈的社群,并运营“⼼环卫”公众号。⼼环卫创办以来,在⼴州环卫⼯福利⽅⾯有诸多成效,例如对以罚代管的讨论、多地⽋薪问题的解决(达1000多万)、⼯作场所权利问题(尤其是环卫领导问题)等等,均产⽣了⼀定的改变,获得⾮常多的环卫⼯⽀持和认可。

Chen Weixiang (Xiangzi) obtained his bachelor's degree from the Medical School of Sun Yatsen University and a master degree from Penn State University. Since 2011, while he was still in his undergraduate years, he became interested in urban-rural issues and labour rights. He initiated a wide array of campaigns, including the use of the Information Disclosure Act, performance art, citizens’ participation etc to push for social justice. Due to his activism on workers' rights, the university had threatened to fail Xiangzi just before his graduation in 2015. The hospital he was about to work for also revoked his employment contract, and as a result he was unable to work as a doctor at a hospital as planned. Xiangzi went to PSU for a master program in labour studies in 2017, and returned to China in summer 2019. During his study, he established online support groups for sanitation workers and launched “Heart Sanitation”, which had since made great achievements in improving the welfare of Guangzhou sanitation workers. It sparked the debate on the entrenched problem of “punishment in place of management”, helped workers recover their overdue wages which amounted to more than 10 million RMB, and promoted the rights of workers in the workplace. These positive changes have won Heart Sanitation the support and recognition of many ordinary sanitation workers.


Ms. Lu joined “Heart Sanitation” as a volunteer in the fall of 2019. With her keen concern on labour rights and cultural issues, she joined the platform after finishing her master program.


Mr. Zhang is a graduate student studying in Taiwan. He is currently collecting research materials at “Heart Sanitation” for his thesis.




曾授課祥子的美國賓利法尼亞州立大學Katherine Maich教授分享她對祥子的印象





回到賓夕法尼亞州立大學後,祥子寫了出色的期末論文,完成了暑期實習,成功畢業,並自此作為全球勞工大學(the Global Labour University)網絡的活躍成員,繼續致力於維護全球工人的權利。


在那幾個星期之中,我看到了祥子對他的同學、同事和工人那種令人敬佩的奉獻精神,以一種令人印象深刻和無私利他的方式脫穎而出。目前,祥子仍在拘留中。我心心念念他被剝奪的自由、正義、公民與法律權利。同時我很擔憂並不樂見國家權力被用來打擊這樣有決心 和真誠的有機知識份子。



The following is written by a PSU professor, Katherine Maich, who taught Xiangzi:

My former student, Chen Weixiang, was taken away by police in Guangzhou on December 17, 2019. Xiang Zi, as he is known, was a dedicated, smart, and thoughtful student from the moment he joined us at the Pennsylvania State University, where he successfully completed his Master of Professional Studies in Labor and Global Workers’ Rights in August 2018. Always an eager participant in our classroom conversations and activities, Xiangzi infused our academic discussions with a real connection to workers’ struggles in the world around him. I learned so much from the experience of teaching Xiangzi in our three classes, International and Comparative Employment Relations, Labor and Work in the Global Economy, and our final Capstone Seminar course. I also learned from Xiangzi during group hikes in the wilds of Pennsylvania, where he openly discussed his childhood as the son of migrant workers in a rural village and his struggles (and successes) in teaching himself English after finishing medical school.

Xiangzi enjoyed our immersion trip to New York City in the fall of 2017, when we organized with street vendors of the Street Vendor Project, met with domestic workers of Domestic Workers United , and learned of various labor struggles facing informal and precarious workers in the city with other practitioners, scholars and activists. He embraced the entire experience during those four days, quickly learning New York’s subway system and helping to navigate as his fellow students travelled between neighborhoods in Queens, Brooklyn, and Manhattan. Xiangzi was always happy to debrief and reflect during that experience, and I remember a moment when we both spoke with an immigrant street vendor near Penn Station. In exchange for selling a customer a hot dog, the vender had been given a counterfeit twenty dollar bill, and sighed when showing us the stack of counterfeit bills he had accepted unknowingly. Xiangzi immediately made a connection with the vendor, talking about the precarity of working as an immigrant without rights or benefits, on the streets in the harsh weather, constantly subject to harassment and violence. Upon returning to Penn State, Xiangzi wrote excellent final papers, completed his summer internship, successfully graduated, and has since continued to stay committed to workers’ rights globally as an active member of the Global Labour University network.

Yet I have perhaps never been as proud of Xiangzi as when a fellow student suffered a serious health injury. Though it was in the midst of finals at the end of a busy semester, Xiangzi immediately put his medical training to use and selflessly stood by her side, sleeping on a hospital couch and informing local doctors and brain surgeons of the best treatment methods for her condition. In those few weeks of worry, I saw Xiangzi’s admirable devotion to his fellow students, colleagues and workers truly come to the fore in an impressive and altruistic manner.

Currently, Xiangzi remains in detention. I am considering his loss of freedom, of justice, of civil and legal rights, and of the unwelcome presence of state power when enacted against a determined, heartfelt, organic intellectual. In the midst of so many global crises and ways that it can feel as though the world is rapidly spiraling out of control, please, hold Chinese officials accountable and demand the safe and fast release of our friend, colleague and fellow activist Xiangzi. Without question, he would do the same for you.

Please sign our petition, and share with your networks:



楊局長您好, SEIU USWW是位於加利福尼亞州的一個代表警衛、保安人員、機場工人和其他低薪行業的工人的機構,我們擁有45,000名以服務業從業人員為主的會員。



在與 SEIU USWW 合作期間,祥子對工人的深切關懷和對維護勞工權益的熱情給我們留下了深刻的印象。他工作努力、關心他人、聰明和誠實。祥子恰恰是中國能夠培養出世界頂尖 學生的最佳典範。


大衛·韋爾塔 主席 敬上

Mr. Yang Jiang Hua Head of the Bureau of Public Security of Guangzhou
No. 200 Qiyi Lu Guangzhou, PC 510036, China

Dear Mr. Hua

SEIU USWW is an organization of 45,000 service workers in California. We represent janitors, security officers, airport workers and other workers in low wage industries. Many of our member work in industries that are known for violating labor laws.

Chen Weixiang, known to us as Xiangzi, completed an internship with our organization. He worked with us in 2018 from June 25 to August 10. Xiangzi conducted a survey of working conditions in the airline service industry.

We were saddened to hear that Xiangzi was taken into custody along with two associates in Guangzhou on December 17.

While working with SEIU USWW, Xiangzi impressed us with his deep care for workers and his passion for upholding labor rights. He was hard working, caring, intelligent, and honest. Many of our members and leaders are unfamiliar with China. Xiangzi was a shining example of how China has produced some of the best and brightest students in the world.

We are concerned about the recent detention of Xiangzi and his colleagues. We ask that Xiangzi and his colleagues be released. In the meantime, we ask that you provide information to his friends and family regarding where these individuals are and ensure they are being treated with compassion. We further request that Xiangzi and his associates be given access to lawyers.


David Huerta President




telegram channel


  1. ⼴州⻘年报/“⼴东学联”微信号,2015-1-28,【2014年⼗⼤红遍⽹络的⼴东⼤学⽣】

  2. 微信公众号“⽔⽊新⻛”,2015-3-9,帮助环卫⼯维权,⼤学⽣被威胁不得毕业

  3. (疑似祥⼦⾃⼰写的公开信)微信公众号“⼴州⼤学城”,2014-08-26,⼤学⽣联名 | ⼤学城环卫⼯ ⼈集体维权,⼤学⽣该做些什么?

  4. 祥⼦的新浪博客,有他的⼀些⽂章:

  5. ⽺晚,2013年01⽉31⽇,⼴东⼤学⽣致信城管委呼吁重视环卫⼯⼈

  6. 南⽅都市报,2013年01⽉31⽇,中⼤学⽣致信城管委再谈环卫⼯

  7. 南⽅都市报,2013年12⽉30⽇,这个城市与我有关